The Suffering Servant

August 28, 2020

This was to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah: "He took our illnesses and bore our diseases" (Matthew 8:17).

This text is connected to the healing of Peter’s mother-in-law that saw many others come to Jesus for help and healing. What is significant is that Matthew is quoting the prophet Isaiah (53:4) to explain the purpose of the healing ministry of Jesus.

It must be stated that the primary purpose of the incarnation of Jesus Christ was to bring spiritual healing to those lost and dying in sin. He gave His life as the atoning sacrifice for sin when He was crucified on the cross. That’s why Jesus came to us.

Miracles, signs, and wonders were performed by Jesus, the prophets, and apostles, to underscore the power and authority of God in them as messengers of the one true and living God. Their primary ministry was to declare the Gospel. Miracles, signs, and wonders gave credence to the Gospel they proclaimed.

Some people believe the era of miraculous healing, signs, and wonders has passed. I disagree not only from a theological perspective, but from experience. Some other people believe from this text that physical healing is incorporated in the atonement, just as our spiritual healing is involved in the atonement. It is not. We are not healed of diseases, deformities, or demonic spirits because of Jesus’ death. Such healing comes as a result of the resurrection and ascension of Jesus, and the coming of the Holy Spirit. Ralph Earle wrote, “Physical healing is not involved in the atonement in the same sense as salvation is, but all blessings come to Christians now because of the cross.”

“Lord Jesus, thank You for the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical healing I have experience in my life because of You. Your Holy Spirit has ministered to me in many and varied ways that simply blow my mind when I look back on my life. Had it not been for Your presence in and over my life, I know I would not be here today. Thank You from the bottom of my heart. To Your praise and glory I ask, Amen.”


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