
Deacon / staff party (fellowship hall)

Guest missionary - Michael Crane

Youth Christmas banquet

Ladies night out (fellowship hall)

Adult choir - Christmas presentation

Adult choir - Christmas presentation

Sanctuary reserved (Teresa Benton)

Fellowship hall reserved (Christmas dinner prep)

Fellowship hall reserved (Kathy Ashlock)

Youth New Year's Eve party (Manteca)

Youth New Years' Eve Party

Christmas Eve Candle-Light Service

Mid-week Ministries

Celebrate Recovery

New Year's Day (Office Closed)

Quarterly Business Meeting

Martin Luther King Day (Office Closed)

Choir Rehearsal

Community Wide CR Concert

Youth Camp - Shaver Lake

On Target Evagelism Rally (Fresno)

Sonshine Club Fellowship

Sonshine Club Corned Beef and Cabbage and Oven Baked Chicken Dinner

Linda Bowman Vacation

Presidents Day (Office Closed)

Quarterly Business Meeting

Youth Trip to Santa Cruz

Week of Prayer for International Missions

Good Friday (Office Closed)

Memorial Day (Office Closed)

Sonshine Club Fellowship

Fellowship Hall Reserved (finger foods)

Fellowship Hall Reserved

Spirit Rider's Run to Sutter Creek

Sanctuary Reserved (Benton)

Baby Shower for Heather Loreto

Spirit Riders Run to Sutter Creek

Missions Committee Meeting

Island Waterpark, Fresno

Children's Rehearsal

Spirit Riders Run: Sutter Creek

Memorial Day (Office Closed)

Spirit Riders Run: Yosemite Valley

Independence Day (Office Closed)

Quarterly Business Mtg

Sonshine Club Fellowship

Pastor Martin vacation

Sunday School Promotion

Labor Day (Office Closed)

Pastor Appreciation Day

Sonshine Club Fellowship

Finance/Budget Committee Mtg

Thanksgiving (Office Closed)

Fellowship Hall Reserved

Christmas Eve Candle-Light Service

Christmas (Office Closed)

Fellowship Hall Reserved

Sunday School Leaders Mtg.

Missions Yard Sale (Villagrana)

Guest Missionary (Joel Williams)

Missions Yard Sale (Villagrana)

Spirit Riders Run (Yosemite)

Spirit Riders Run to Kennedy Meadows

Spirit Riders Run (Mammoth Pools)

Spirit Riders Run (Del Puerto Canyon & BBQ at the Bahr's)

Spirit Riders Run to Lake Alpine

Spirit Riders Run (Lake Alpine/Spicer Reservoir)

Spirit Riders Run (Placerville/Apple Hill)

Mission Trip (Olympia, Washington)

Sunday School Leaders Mtg.

Expositor's Summitt (Pastor & Chris)

Women of Faith Conference (Sacramento)

Choir Rehearsal

Men's Ministry

Youth Lock-In - 6 pm - 8 am

Youth Winter Jam Concert

Chris Koch Youth Conference (Anaheim)

3 - 6 pm Family Harvest Festival

New Year's Day (Office Closed)

Quarterly Business Conf.

Mid-week ministry

Martin Luther King Day (Office Closed)

Fellowship Hall Reserved (Bowman)

Fellowship Hall Reserved (Wibrights)

Presidents Day (Office Closed)

Office Closed (Good Friday)

Memorial Day (Office Closed)

Independence Day (Office Closed)

5th Sunday Sing & Fellowship

Labor Day (Office Closed)

Sanctuary Reserved (Benton)

Fellowship Hall Reserved (Young Married)

Fellowship Hall Reserved (Young Married)

Quarterly Business Conf.

Quarterly Business Conf.

Fellowship Hall Reserved (Bobbie Crider)

Fellowship Hall Reserved (Easter)

Sancutary Reserved (Wellness Seminar)

Men's Retreat (Sunset Beach)

Spirit Riders Run (Yosemite)

Spirit Riders Run (Gold Chain)

Spirit Riders Run (Del Puerto Canyon) BBQ at Bahr's

Spirit Riders Run (Kennedy Meadows)

Spirit Riders Run (Hecker Pass)

Spirit Riders Run (Hollister)

Pastor Benton Vacation

Quarterly Business Conf.

Chris Koch (Seminary)

Pastor Appreciation Dinner

5th Sunday Sing & Fellowship

Youth Swim Party (Koch's)

Youth Trip to (Fresno Zoo)

Vacation Bible School

Youth Summer Camp (Shaver Lake)

Youth Swim Party (Koch's)

Christimas Program & Fellowship

Choir Musical Presentation

Sonshine Club Fellowship

Expositors Summitt (Pastor & Chris)

Deacon/Staff Christmas Party

Sanctuary Reserved (Benton)

Fellowship Hall Reserved (Pauline Brown)

Fellowship Hall Reserved (Bamford)

Fellowship Hall Reserved (Ashlock Family)

Week of Prayer for International Missions

Women on Mission Salad Luncheon

Men's Ministry

Martin Luther King Day (Office Closed)

Quarterly Business Conference

Mid-week ministry

Quarterly Business Conference

Quarterly Business Meeting

Quarterly Business Conference

Choir Rehearsal

Presidents Day (Office Closed)

Secret Sister Reveal Luncheon

Independence Day (Office Closed)

Memorial Day (Office Closed)

Labor Day (Office Closed)

Fellowship Hall Reserved (Mickey Moschitto)

Evangelism Prayer Teams

Youth Camp (Shaver Lake)

Sanctuary Reserved (Benton)

Pastor Martin vacation

Good Friday (Office Closed)

Community Easter Egg Hunt (Winton Park)

Sanctuary Reserved (Benton)

Sonshine Club Dinner

Presentation to Seniors

Sonshine Club Dinner

Pastor Martin out of office

Linda Bowman vacation

Sanctuary Reserved for AV

Vacation Bible School (grades K - 6)

Spirit Riders Run (Del Puerto Canyon)

CPR Class 8:00 AM & 1:00 PM

Pastor's Appreciation Day

Week of Prayer for International Missions

Fellowship Hall Reserved (Christmas Dinner Prep)

Spirit Riders Run (Groveland)

Fellowship Hall Reserved (Dickison)

Fellowship Hall Reserved (Dinner Prep)

Chris Koch Bereavement Leave

Thanksgiving Baskets Delivery

Deacon & Staff Christmas Party (Kochs)

Fellowship Hall Reserved (Dinner Prep)

Fellowship Hall Reserved (Repairs)

Proposed 2019 Budget Presentation

Fellowship Hall Reserved (Repairs)

Quarterly Business Conference

Quarterly Business Conference

Quarterly Business Conference

Men's Ministry

Martin Luther King Day (Office closed)

Presidents Day (Office Closed)

Week of Prayer for North Amercian Missions & the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering

Good Friday (Office Closed)

Easter Sunrise Service 6 am

Memorial Day (Office Closed

Choir Rehearsal

Vacation Bible School

Labor Day (Office Closed)

Fellowship hall reserved

Fellowship hall reserved for Youth Dinner

Sonshine Club Fellowship

Sonshine Club Fellowship

Sonshine Club Fellowship

Car & Motorcycle Show/Vendor Fair 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Summer Camp (Youth)

Spring Tea (fellowship hall)

Fellowship Hall Reserved

Grizzly Game (Fresno)

Children's Easter Party