Timing Is Everything

September 19, 2020

And their eyes were opened. And Jesus sternly warned them: "See that no one knows about this!" (Matthew 9:30).

Blindness was not uncommon in the ancient Middle East. Hygiene was not a priority and with diseases carried by flies, sand mites, lice, etc., people suffered very poor health.

Jesus was in Capernaum where His ministry had really taken hold, so it's no wonder these two blind men had heard about His healing powers. They came to Jesus, calling Him 'Son of David'. This is a Messianic title, so this was an acknowledgment on their part that Jesus was the Messiah.

In previous events where people sought Jesus out for healing, their faith was expressed in terms of their determination to get to Him. Here Jesus tested their faith by not healing them immediately. He asked, Do you believe that I am able to do this? (v. 28), as a test of the genuineness of their faith. They answered in the affirmative. The men were healed with a simple, (lit.) “Your faith shall not be disappointed,” and a touch from the Master's hand.

Jesus then issued a warning (v. 30), See that no one knows! This was no cursory warning. Jesus 'sternly' (seriously) commanded them, "Don't tell anyone!" Why would Jesus not have these men tell others about the healing? It was not because He didn't want people to know of His healing power. He had already performed hundreds of miraculous healings. And it wasn't because He didn't want this particular event to be known because it would be obvious as soon as family and friends encountered the men.

With Jesus everything was about 'God's will in God's timing'. These men called Jesus 'Son of David'. This was the first time this Messianic title was used to describe Jesus in the Gospels. Jesus was, and is the Messiah of the Jews, but it wasn't time for that fact to be publicized openly. He did not want to agitate the elders, stir up opposition from the civic leaders, or encourage a coup by the common folk by forcing Him to take the throne of David at this time.

It was also not the intent of Jesus to be known primarily as a healer. Miracles, signs, and wonders accompanied His ministry, but they were not the focus of His ministry. Jesus came to seek and to save the lost. Miracles drew people to Him so that He could give them the gospel. Popularizing His healing ministry by the two blind men who could now see, would shift the emphasis away from His primary mission - which is often the case in churches today.

"Lord Jesus, help me to keep first things first in ministry. Keep me focused on the message of salvation in You alone, and to not get side-tracked with matters that are secondary to salvation. Help me to remind people that knowing You personally is primary to all other benefits that You bless us with. To Your honor and glory I ask, Amen."


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