Come, Lord Jesus, in Power

May 13, 2021

For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and ‘will then repay every man according to his deeds’ (Matthew 16:27).
As Jesus neared the end of His 3 year public ministry, He became more and more specific regarding His impending death and resurrection. He also began to reveal to His disciples the plan of His second coming. In fact, this is the first mention of the second coming of Christ in Scripture. So, in just a few weeks Jesus had revealed to the disciples:
• He was God in human flesh,
• He was the promised Messiah,
• He would establish a Kingdom that is eternal,
• He would suffer, die, and be resurrected before that Kingdom comes, and
• He would return to reign over that Kingdom in righteousness and judgment.
That was a lot of fantastic, mystical, spiritual information for the disciples to take in! Jesus needed to disclose this information to them to encourage them to stand fast in their faith in Him. Though it was hard to believe at that moment, the Holy Spirit would bring these things to mind when He came upon them in His fullness beginning on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2) and throughout their ministry.
Note in His words Jesus revealed that when He comes to establish His Kingdom on earth, He will do so in great power and glory. He will return with His angels and the whole host of heaven. His power will conquer the enemies of God (the Antichrist, the false prophet, the unrepentant nations of the earth, etc.; Revelation 19:11-21). He will consign Satan to the abyss for 1,000 years so that His Kingdom will exist unmolested by the devil and his demonic host (Revelation 20:1-3). After the 1,000 years are ended, Satan and his demonic horde will be thrown into the Lake of Fire forever.
The power of the Lord Jesus Christ is superior to that of all things in creation, including Satan and his host, all of mankind combined, and all of the powers of the universe combined. Such power is that of deity. He who created the universe not only empowers the universe to exist and function, but maintains power over the universe He created to bring it to its ultimate and final conclusion, which includes power over those forces that have come into existence to destroy it (i.e. Satan, evil, sin, etc.). Truth be known, He has always, and will, with the Father and Holy Spirit, maintain sovereign power and control over all of creation, forever.
“Lord Jesus, the power demonstrated in Your ministry here is beyond comprehension. The power You continue to demonstrate in the lives of those who know You is beyond amazing. I pray the day of Your Kingdom’s appearance and its power over the nations will be soon. To Your glory and praise I ask, Amen.”

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